#shaneHamilton  {web-designer: 50%; web-developer: 50%; awesome: 100%;}

Who is Shane?

Shane Hamilton is a 26 year old, Nashville, TN based web designer/developer. He has been designing since he was 14 and developing since he was 16. He is very excited to see what the future has in store for he and his wife. Shane has worked with clients and companies both large and small. He always has an ear to the tech world following all of the new web technologies and is constantly reading, learning, experimenting, and creating.


This site was handcoded in TextMate by Shane, interested in seeing more of his work?   Grab a sample!

Like what you see what would like to get in contact with Shane? The easiest way would be to send him an email. Please note that he is currently employed full-time but is more than willing to take offers from standalone clients and full corporations.